By joining the community directed to development and exchange of experiences, everybody may gain motivation to act, essential knowledge and also valuable conclusions and objective views on their foregoing projects. CPsquare project gathers practitioners from all over the world, who meet online and discuss their own ideas, plans for the future and current projects in order to pursue even more ideas in a shorter time. The ideas of the meetings are also: deriving inspiration, teaching others and preparing these people to work with others.
The most frequent characteristic feature of such meetings are similar professional goals or common interests. By regular opinion exchange the people taking part in such an initiative may gain necessary knowledge to be able to teach others and also they develop their educational skills. CPsquare initiative allows everybody to find an appropriate group with similar interests and business goals. As a result, everyone who is interested in such an initiative will surely appreciate it and will be able to develop by means of regular brainstorming. The authors of the groups regularly organize workshops, which enable larger development of practical skills and facilitate online integration. Moreover, learning is such groups is very effective, as every participant helps to notice the mistakes that are worth fixing and anytime he or she can express an objective opinion on a given project